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Drone Operator London



CamFly Films Ltd


Camfly films is a CAA-certified Drone operator based in London since 2014. We provide professional Aerial photography with drones and drone filming services in London and anywhere in the United Kingdom.


​From gorgeous cinematic aerial filming to industrial drone inspections and reports, we deliver bespoke drone photography services based on our long flying experience, cutting edge equipment, industry trends knowledge, client's expectations and feedback. We are providing numerous drone services such as:


  • Drone Roof Surveys and Reports.

  • Aerial photo/video monitoring of construction progress. 

  • Aerial mapping for assets inspection, volume measurement, safety issues management.

  • Drone Facade Surveys for low and High rise buildings.

  • Cinematic 4K Aerial Video.

  • Indoor Flying and walkthrough 360 Photography and video.

  • Aerial Drone Photography for CGI.

​We can help


With a long experience working in the Video production industry, TV News, Corporate filming, Advertising or Live Events, and Sports broadcasting, We acquired a level of professionalism that make a difference with most of the competition by mastering all filming and photographing techniques, adding our creativity and artistic skills where required, and delivering the best results to the client, safely in the air and on the ground.

We are qualified and approved by the CAA to operate drones professionally in the UK Airspace and hold a comprehensive insurance with PL of £5M.


Please take a look at the summary of services we offer below and call us for a free instant, No Obligation quote.



Aerial view of central London buildings

CamFly Films is based in London. We are authorised to fly our drones in tight spaces and congested areas. Rules and flight restrictions for drone operations are numerous in London, and we work closely with the CAA to fulfil clients' expectations while putting safety first for people and property.

For a drone photographer, it is always exciting to capture aerial photos of those iconic London landmarks. The CAA permits us to fly at a reduced distance of 10m from anything in congested areas after examining our Operating Safety case (OSC), giving evidence that we can conduct enhanced drone operations safely and legally.

Aerial drone view of a property

Aerial photography for Sport and events

Aerial photography and Aerial filming used to be a Big Budget territory. Not anymore! Thanks to drone technology, always improving on performance, safety and picture quality, any event can have its own aerial imaging coverage at a fraction of the cost of using a helicopter or any other manned aircraft.

Camfly Films uses state of the Art drones, backed up by the most advanced Photography and Video capture sensors to bring crystal clear, Stable High-resolution pictures and crisp sharp aerial video footage. We are equipped to provide full post-production services to process and enhance aerial imagery as well as on-the-ground filming.

Aerial drone view of Kenwood House

Camfly films specialised in Aerial Photography and aerial filming Services. Our professional drone pilots fly our UAVs at up to 400ft and higher to capture beautiful aerial shots at a very competitive price . Property aerial Photography and video is now a must have to sell your house in the best conditions.

Aerial pictures offer a unique point of view and a complementary vision to what we can see from the ground, offering a different angle, sometimes breathtaking. Drones have made this possible and affordable to anyone looking to get the best presentation, for selling purposes, construction surveys or inspections. 

Drone view of damaged roof

Camfly Films offer professional drone roof surveys to home owners and new buyers, surveyors, developpers, contractors, insurers...Using Drones to assess the condition of a roof is proven faster, cheaper, and most importantly safer than manned surveys.

No more need for ladders and scaffolding, whatever the size, the pitch, or the height of the building, our drones can access any part of the roof and provide high-resolution pictures of its condition. We offer optionally a full condition and advisory report by an independant professional surveyor.

We use a zooming camera drone allowing us to capture close-ups of the damaged parts of the roof. Better than using masts or cherry pickers, a drone roof survey can show details of broken tiles, missing or damaged flashing, clogged gutters, damaged torch-on felt, and many other issues even in the most difficult-to-access areas. We deliver an unlimited number of high-resolution pictures and/or 4K videos and make sure that no part of the roof has been overlooked. Read More>>>>>>

Drone view of a house in construction

We offer Construction aerial surveys, scheduled inspections by drone and construction progress photography, allowing our clients to show the investors the progress of the works and gather data on methods, evaluation of assets, and possible safety issues. We can map the entire site and produce a 2D, or even 3D model of the whole area. The results directly emailed to your office.

Our survey drone can fly safely and autonomously across the whole area, taking pictures at regular intervals, and creating an interactive map allowing you to evaluate your assets from your office, as well as gather other data. Recorded and repeatable missions will provide a seamless before and after vision of the works. Go to page >>>>>

Aerial thermal view of burning roof

Our industrial drone is equipped with an integrated Radiometric FLIR Thermal Sensor to detect and expose what is not visible to the human eye. Particularly useful for roof and building surveys where it clearly shows leaks, insulation damage, or breaches in the structure leading to loss or gain of heat. Accurate measurements by spot meter and area range measurement


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Our Real Estate photography services include Aerial and on-the-ground Panoramas, a great tool for property developers and estate agents. 360 Virtual Tours adds incredible value to the service proposed to the clients and helps saving precious time for both sellers and buyers.

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We create stunning outdoor and indoor 360 Virtual Tours, Video walkthroughs using gimbals, stabilized cameras, and 4K mini-drones flying in all safety inside the house, creating a unique visiting experience, not to mention interactive doll houses exploration and detailed Floor plans of the property in the same package. Please call or request a quote today!

Drone mapping view of race track


Our drones can fly autonomously and create a mapping from photogrammetry of small and large areas. the process involves taking geotagged overlapping pictures at regular intervals, in distance and frequency, and stitching them together in a cloud-based processing facility, creating a Super High-resolution aerial imagery of the zone, available for a variety of file formats conversion, allowing you to export it to cad applications and integrate it to your project. The process gives also access to different options including measurement of volumes, elevation, and distances.

Aerial Mapping techniques can be used for a range of data collection: measuring an area, getting precision data on assets on the ground, defining boundaries, and producing photographic evidence. Mapping is also used to produce roof plans and measurements. What will be yours? Go to page>>>>>

Aerial photography mapping can be used to provide accurate and highly informative 3D imagery of a particular site or building. This animation was created  from 400 aerial pictures of an existing mansion. The model was then reconstructed in our computers, the animation path created and converted to video.

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Using Aerial mapping techniques, we can measure all parts of a roof, distances, pitch, surfaces, edges, and create a full report for the client, with accuracy of up to 99.4% This roof measurement took less than 1 hour on-site. The mission was programmed from our office and executed autonomously on site by the drone.

The plan below are extracted from a Roof measurement we conducted recently. Created from the combination of Geo-tagged aerial pictures stitched together, this roof mapping allowed the app to trace and calculate all measurements of this roof for the very next day, without any scaffolding, at an unrivaled speed of execution, without disrupting any activity and providing 100% safety rate since no humans have been involved physically in the process, not mentioning the huge savings compared to the cost of a manned roof measurement. 

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Nadir Roof Plans from drone

As a part of the Roof Measurement Report, we deliver nadir plans of the roof, particularly useful to evaluate costs for insurance purposes, and identify areas for Solar panels installation planning.

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A few Testimonials from our clients
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Johnatan on 28/11/23

“Thank you very much for your assistance and photos all received. I will get your invoice processed as soon as possible.”

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Gemma on 27/02/23

"Thank you so much, what a great report!"

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Tom on 24/05/23

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Marc on 14/11/23

“Serge, thank you for a great job. Kind regards”

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Vince on 25/08/23

“Thanks very much for turning this around so quickly Serge. Very much appreciated. 
I hope you have a wonderful bank holiday weekend. “

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Gemma on 24/05/23

Yes all received thank you. Great photos and report again, 👌 The invoice is being processed.

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Andres on 15/08/23

“Thanks you, the report and images will be very helpful. I’ll send the invoice to our accounts department to process as soon as possible. “

“Thanks for the speedy turn around, I have emailed this over to accounts.”

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